Message from President

Dr. R J Pardikar
President - ISNT

Dear Friends,
The Indian Society for NDT (ISNT) has been playing the pivotal role in promoting the science and technology of NDT for the last four decades through various activities.I am delighted to note that the next Annual Conference and Exhibition of ISNT, NDE2019 will be held at Bengaluru during December 5-7, 2019. For many of us, it is a dream coming true. NDE2019 marks a veritable milestone in history of ISNT. Our aim will be to make it, in its own way, one of the most important and cherishableevents.Every year, the quality of the National conference on NDE is getting enhanced and is attracting the experts not only from India but also from other parts of the world. NDE-2019 will continue to raise the bar over the previous events and surely set a new bench mark.
NDE has grown over the last few decades from Qualitative science to Quantitative Science and technology. The main challenge of NDE is to ensure improved detectability and flaw characterisation, to provide better operational efficiencies, to ensure structural integrity and safety of critical engineering components in nuclear, aerospace, power, defence, petrochemical and fabrication indusrties. The challenges to NDE can be successfully met only through synergy of innovative approaches.The NDE conference is being held at Bengaluru, the hub of Aerospace and IT industries after a gap of several decades, and its focus will be on the current trends in the NDE and inspection domain as we embrace Industry 4.0.
NDE 2019 will prove to be very rewarding and useful experience for all the scientists, engineers, practitioners, exhibitors and students who are aspiring to attend this conference and I on behalf of ISNT welcome everyone of you to come to Bengaluru and attend NDE 2019 to make it a resounding and convincing success.